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insubstantial as spun glass. No, she would n Hermes handbags wholesale       have been strong.

"I was often ill as a child," she said softly, her eyes on the play of water in the fountain. "The last time, the
surgeon finally said I would die. I remember Papa crying, and I remember lying in my big bed, too weak
to move. Even breathing was too much effort. I was so sad to leave the world and so cold, so very cold."
She shivered, and then smiled.

"But what happened?"

"I woke in the middle of the night to see Gudren, my maid, standing over my bed. And then she stepped
aside, and I saw the man she had brought. I was frightened. His name was Klaus, and I'd heard the
people in the village say he was evil. I cried out to Gudren to save me, but she just stood there, watching.
When he put his mouth to my neck, I thought he was going to kill me."

"I woke in the middle of the night to see Gudren, my maid, standing over my bed. And then she stepped
aside, and I saw the man she had brought. I was frightened. His name was Klaus, and I'd heard the
people in the village say he was evil. I cried out to Gudren to save me, but she just stood there, watching.
When he put his mouth to my neck, I thought he was going to kill me."

