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 "Yes, I am."
She nodded slowly, solemnly. Harry felt the Horcrux beating fast, faster than his own
heart; It  High quality Hermes handbags   an unpleasant, agitating sensation.
"Have you got anything for me?" Harry asked, but she seemed distracted by his lit wand-
"Have you got anything for me?" he repeated.
Then she closed her eyes and several things happened at once: Harry's scar prickled
painfully; the Horcrux twitched so that the front of his sweater actually moved; the dark,
fetid room dissolved momentarily. He felt a leap of joy and spoke in a high, cold voice:
Hold him!
Harry swayed where he stood: The dark, foul-smelling room seemed to close around him
again; he did not know what had just happened.
"Have you got anything for me?" he asked for a third time, much louder.
"Over here," she whispered, pointing to the corner. Harry raised his wand and saw the
 Hermes handbags  Low price Hermes handbags   er line of a cluttered dressing table beneath the curtained window.
This time she did not lead him. Harry edged between her and the unmade bed, his wand
raised. He did not want to look away from her.
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looked and smelled like dirty laundry.

